+254 (20)252 6033   +252 617 922 477    info@navconsulting.africa
Gender diversity & inclusivity

We believe in partnering with our clients to advance gender diversity and inclusivity within organizations and the communities we work with. We recognize the transformative impact of fostering environments where individuals of all genders feel valued, empowered, and supported. To this end, we have designed the portfolio to offer services to our clients that cultivate a culture of equity, inclusion, and opportunity for all. By embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity, we support organizations and communities not only to enhance their reputation and resilience, but equally help them drive innovation, creativity, and sustainable growth.

Gender diversity & inclusivity

Under our gender diversity and inclusivity portfolio, we offer the following package of services;

  1. Gender audit and assessment: We support clients in conducting gender audits and assessments so that they can evaluate their current state of gender diversity and inclusivity. This assessment helps them identify their strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Gender policy development: We assist organizations in developing gender-inclusive policies and procedures, including recruiting and hiring practices, promotion and retention strategies, and workplace management.
  3. Gender training and workshops: We offer customized training programs and workshops on topics such as inclusive leadership, gender-based violence in communities and the workplace, and the creation of inclusive work environments. These sessions are designed to raise awareness and build the capacity of employees and communities that we work with
  4. Gender mainstreaming: We facilitate the mainstreaming of gender considerations into project design, implementation, and evaluation processes. This ensures that programs and initiatives are responsive to the diverse needs and experiences of all stakeholders.